If you are a young company looking for growth opportunities, the status of a young innovative company (JEI) is perfect for you! By obtaining this status, you will be able to benefit from many advantages such as the immediate reimbursement of the research tax credit for your R&D expenses, as well as tax and social benefits
The status of JEI, for both your clients and partners, is a guarantee of quality as it is awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. By obtaining this status, you will be able to stand out from your competitors and attract new talent, customers, and investors.
To be considered a Young Innovative Enterprise (JEI), a company must meet the following criteria:
- Being a Community SME,
- Have less than 8 years to benefit from social exemption and less than 11 to benefit from tax exemption,
- Have 15% of its expenses dedicated to R&D eligible under the CIR.
- Its capital must be held by physical individuals at a rate of 50%.
- Have been created ex nihilo.
The status of a Young Innovative Enterprise JEI as for CIR or CII is a key tool for boosting innovation and competitiveness of French startups. Having support from RiGAKEN helps ensure a simple and guaranteed way to take advantage of this, saving time and increasing efficiency. Don't hesitate,
If you read French, the complete set of texts governing the JEI status are detailed below.

Companies that meet the conditions set forth in Article 44 Sexies-0 A of the General Tax Code (GTC) and are considered innovative young companies may be eligible for tax relief provided by Article 44 Sexies A of the GTC. Eligibility criteria are governed by BOI-BIC-CHAMP-80-20-20-10, and the scope and calculation of tax relief are governed by BOI-BIC-CHAMP-80-20-20-20.

Application Form
The application for a young innovative company status requires a file, the format of which is specified by the public authorities